
at the moment I am trying to setting up https - access for the management
server with my own certificates. Sadly i wasn't successfull until now.
OS: Ubuntu 20.04
Standard Cloudstack
Basically i was following the documentation (
as well as following guide from shapeblue (
https://www.shapeblue.com/securing-cloudstack-4-11-with-https-tls/) for
setting up https for the GUI.

At the moment i am stuck, as i didn't really have clue where and how to
proceed onwards, as i am not finding any problems, warinings or errors in
the cloudstack log's.
Usage of netstat shows, that currently no service is listening on port 8443.

Which leads me to a assumption that i maybe messed up access-priviledges
for the actual keystore-file, as the server.properties noted sais, that the
https configuration will  only be used when the keystorefile exists and is
readable by the managementserver.
Therefore  which permissions are normally used for the keystore to be
accessed by the management server?

As the documentation states, that more or less every site has it's own
practices on providing webservices to actual users,
i would like to ask for some experiences with different appoaches?
Till now i "stumbled" over some ways the set up a reverseproxy based on
nginx / apache "in front" of the actual CS-Management WebServer, which
shall take care of the certificate handling. Another idea i have read on a
side would be to "by pass" the CS-Management Webserver, targetting directly
to the "root"-volume. Which seems to be a aventures appoach...

So i am highly interested in your approaches and experiences regardning
this topic.

Thanks in advance!

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