
On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 6:21 PM Paul Angus <> wrote:
> Hi Daan,
> Can you clarify what we are actually voting on please.
> In thread that is linked I've seen:
> "[the vote] will be to adjust to the semantic versioning system."
> - you can't go to 20 AND keep semantic versioning. The act of going to 20 
> breaks semantic versioning [1].

We are using a crooked semantic versioning system and that is entirely
due to maintaining the 4 in our versioning scheme. We have been
changing and adding major features on updating the second number (20
to be). We have been using the third number for bug fixes and minor
enhancements. And we have been using the fourth number for emergency
security fixes.

So we are not maintaining semantic versioning but going to semantic
versioning by repairing our system of versioning. You could say this
is a minor bugfix.

> " drop the 4 at version 20 and continue as usual with minor and patch level 
> updates as we have in the past."
> - what's supposed to come next ? in lieu of what would have been 4.21 will it 
> be 21 ?  is it going to be 20.1 then 20.2 ?

Yes, exactly. Except for dropping the 4, nothing will change.

> From the thread and how people are referring to 'minor versions', there is a 
> misunderstanding as to what semantic versioning means. For our project its 
> explained here [1].   Major versions meaning "probably going to break a load 
> of people's stuff', with minor versions not breaking stuff (at least not on 
> purpose). So I get calling them minor versions really underplays the changes 
> it can hold.
> I'm going to stick in a -1.  Not as hard 'no' to any changes, but I think the 
> vote should be on 'A change to the version numbering scheme' and then what is 
> proposed properly laid out.
> [1] 
> (section on versioning about 2/3 down)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Daan Hoogland <>
> Sent: Monday, February 19, 2024 12:50 PM
> To: dev <>
> Cc: users <>
> Subject: [VOTE] next version 20 instead of 4.20
> LS,
> This is a vote on dev@c.a.o with cc to users@c.a.o. If you want to be counted 
> please reply to dev@.
> As discussed in [1] we are deciding to drop the 4 from our versioning scheme. 
> The result would be that the next major version will be 20 instead of 4.20, 
> as it would be in a traditional upgrade. As 20 > 4 and the versions are 
> processed numerically there are no technical impediments.
> +1 agree (next major version as 20
> 0 (no opinion)
> -1 disagree (keep 4.20 as the next version, give a reason)
> As this is a lazy consensus vote any -1 should be accompanied with a reason.
> [1]
> --
> Daan


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