
I mentioned it before but again running in the same issue with a different 
account.. how to see WHY an account cannot be moved to a different account.

2024-04-23 12:34:22,614 ERROR [o.a.c.a.c.a.v.AssignVMCmd] 
(qtp1789718525-7698:ctx-b0881a99 ctx-be595b24) (logid:2fe13e1b) Failed to move 
vm due to: [Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@313bdb0e
2024-04-23 12:34:22,614 INFO  [c.c.a.ApiServer] 
(qtp1789718525-7698:ctx-b0881a99 ctx-be595b24) (logid:2fe13e1b) Failed to move 
vm due to Account 
does not have permission to operate with resource

That error is just plain useless, it’s the same as saying I won’t move but I’m 
not telling you why, go find out yourself.

It has access to the template under shared, it can see the network, I can even 
create an instance under that account with exactly the same options and yet I 
can’t move it from the domain admin account to a user account because of that 
nothing saying entry.

Above that it does some checks but these are all within limits.


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