Op 11/06/2024 om 16:29 schreef Francisco Arencibia Quesada:
Good morning guys,

When I run on Windows wmic bios get serialnumber, I receive a blank serial
number, I have tried
running virsh edit VM, and setting :

<sysinfo type='smbios'>
     <entry name='manufacturer'>Apache Software Foundation</entry>
     <entry name='product'>CloudStack KVM Hypervisor</entry>
     <entry name='serial'>MISERIAL</entry>
     <entry name='uuid'>166f6f56-a8a3-4ab9-82f3-467bf90b0126</entry>

but still the same.
Any guidance? For us it is important to have the serial number field for
licensing purposes.

Do you want to be able to set the serialnumber manually or could the UUID be sufficient here?


Thanks in advance.

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