On 07/12/15 12:35 PM, Lentes, Bernd wrote:
> Hi,
> i've been asking all around here a while ago. Unfortunately I couldn't
> continue to work on my cluster, so I'm still thinking about the design.
> I hope you will help me again with some recommendations, because when the
> cluster is running changing of the design is not possible anymore.
> These are my requirements:
> - all services are running inside virtual machines (KVM), mostly databases
> and static/dynamic webpages

This is fine, it's what we do with our 2-node clusters.

> - I have two nodes and would like to have some vm's running on node A and
> some on node B during normal operation as a kind of loadbalancing

I used to do this, but I've since stopped. The reasons are:

1. You need to know that one node can host all servers and still perform
properly. By always running on one node, you know that this is the case.
Further, if one node ever stops being powerful enough, you will find out
early and can address the issue immediately.

2. If there is a problem, you can always be sure which node to terminate
(ie: the node hosting all servers gets the fence delay, so the node
without servers will always get fenced). If you lose input power, you
can quickly power down the backup node to shed load, etc.

> - I'd like to keep the setup simple (if possible)

There is a minimum complexity in HA, but you can get as close as
possible. We've spent years trying to simplify our VM hosting clusters
as much as possible.

> - availability is important, performance not so much (webpages some
> hundred requests per day, databases some hundred inserts/selects per day)

All the more reason to consolidate all VMs on one host.

> - I'd like to have snapshots of the vm's

This is never a good idea, as you catch the state of the disk at the
point of the snapshot, but not RAM. Anything in buffers will be missed
so you can not rely on the snapshot images to always be consistent or
even functional.

> - live migration of the vm's should be possible

Easy enough.

> - nodes are SLES 11 SP4, vm's are Windows 7 and severable linux
> distributions (Ubuntu, SLES, OpenSuSE)

The OS installed on the guest VMs should not factor. As for the node OS,
SUSE invests in making sure that HA works well so you should be fine.

> - setup should be extensible (add further vm's)

That is entirely a question of available hardware resources.

> - I have a shared storage (FC SAN)

Personally, I prefer DRBD (truly replicated storage), but SAN is fine.

> My ideas/questions:
> Should I install all vm's in one partition or every vm in a seperate
> partition ? The advantage of one vm per partition is that I don't need a
> cluster fs, right ?

I would put each VM on a dedicated LV and not have an FS between the VM
and the host. The question then becomes; What is the PV? I use clustered
LVM to make sure all nodes are in sync, LVM-wise.

> I read to avoid a cluster fs if possible because it adds further
> complexity. Below the fs I'd like to have logical volumes because they are
> easy to expand.

Avoiding clustered FS is always preferable, yes. I use a small gfs2
partition, but this is just for storing VM XML data, install media, etc.
Things that change rarely. Some advocate for having independent FSes on
each node and keeping the data in sync using things like rsync or what
have you.

> Do I need cLVM (I think so) ? Is it an advantage to install the vm's in
> plain partitions, without a fs ?

I advise it, yes.

> It would reduce the complexity further because I don't need a fs. Would
> live migration still be possible ?

Live migration is possible provided both nodes can see the same physical
storage at the same time. For example, DRBD dual-primary works. If you
use clustered LVM, you can be sure that the backing LVs are the same
across the nodes.

> snapshots:
> I was playing around with virsh (libvirt) to create snapshots of the vm's.
> In the end I gave up. virsh explains commands in its help, but when you
> want to use them you get messages
> like "not supported yet", although I use libvirt 1.2.11. This is
> ridiculous. I think I will create my snapshots inside the vm's using lvm.
> We have a network based backup solution (Legato/EMC) which saves the disks
> every night.
> Supplying a snapshot for that I have a consistent backup. The databases
> are dumped with their respective tools.
> Thanks in advance.

I don't recommend snapshots, as I mentioned. Focus on your backup
application and create DR VMs if you want to minimize the time to
recovery after a total VM loss is what I recommend.

> Bernd

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