On 16/05/16 04:35 AM, Bogdan Dobrelya wrote:
> On 05/16/2016 09:23 AM, Jan Friesse wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have an idea: use Pacemaker with Zookeeper (instead of Corosync). Is
>>> it possible?
>>> Is there any examination about that?
> Indeed, would be *great* to have a Pacemaker based control plane on top
> of other "pluggable" distributed KVS & messaging systems, for example
> etcd as well :)
> I'm looking forward to joining any dev efforts around that, although I'm
> not a Java or Go developer.

Part of open source is the freedom to do whatever you want, of course.

Let me ask though; What problems would zookeeper, etcd or other systems
solve that can't be solved in corosync?

I ask because the HA community just finished a multi-year effort to
merge different projects into one common HA stack. This has a lot of
benefits to the user base, not least of which is lack of confusion.

Strikes me that the significant time investment in supporting a new
comms layer would be much more beneficially spent on improving the
existing stack.

Again, anyone is free to do whatever they want... I just don't see the
motivator personally.


>> From my point of view (and yes, I'm biased), biggest problem of Zookeper
>> is need to have quorum
>> (https://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/trunk/zookeeperAdmin.html#sc_designing).
>> Direct consequence is inability to tolerate one node failure in 2 node
>> cluster -> no 2 node clusters (and such deployment is extremely
>> popular). Also Corosync can operate completely without quorum.
>> Regards,
>>   Honza
>>> Thanks for your help!
>>> Hai Nguyen

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