We only have 1 cluster per site so adding additional hardware is not optimal. I feel like I'm trying to use a saw where an axe would be the proper tool. I thank you or your time, but it appears that it may be best for me to write something from scratch for the monitoring and controlling of the failover rather than try and force pacemaker to do something it was not built for.

Daniel Smith
Network Engineer
15894 Diplomatic Plaza Dr | Houston, TX 77032
P: 281-233-8487 | M: 832-301-1087

-----Original Message-----
From: Digimer [mailto:li...@alteeve.ca]
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2020 2:38 PM
To: Daniel Smith <daniel.sm...@craneww.com>; Cluster Labs - Users <users@clusterlabs.org>
Subject: Re: NFS in different subnets

EXTERNAL SENDER: Use caution with links/attachments.

On 2020-04-17 3:20 p.m., Daniel Smith wrote:
> Thank you digimer, and I apologize for getting the wrong email.
> Booth was the piece I was missing.  Have been researching setting that
> up and finding a third location for quorum. From what I have found, I
> believe I will need to setup single node pacemaker clusters at each

No, each sites needs to be a proper cluster (2 nodes minimum). The idea is that, if the link to the building is lost, the cluster at the lost site will shut down. With only one node, a hung node (that might recover
later) could recover and think it could still do things before it realized it shouldn't. Booth is "a cluster of clusters".

The nodes at each site should be on different hardware, for the same reason. It is very much NOT a waste of resources (and, of course, use proper, tested STONITH/fencing).

> datacenter to use with booth. Since we have ESX clusters at each site
> which has its own redundancies built in, building redundant nodes at
> each site is pretty much a waste of resources imho. I have 2 questions
> about this setup though:
> 1.       If I setup pacemaker with a single node an no virtual IP, is
> there any problems I need to be aware of?

Yes, see above.

> 2.       Is drbd the best tool for the data sync between the sites? I've
> looked at drbd proxy, but I get the sense that it's not open source,
> or would rsync with incrond be a better option?

DRBD would work, but you have to make a choice; If you run synchronous so that data is never lost (writes are confirmed when they hit both sites), then your disk latency/bandwidth is your network latency/bandwidth. Otherwise, you run asychronous but you'll lose any data that didn't get transmitted before a site is lost.

As for proxy; Yes, it's a commercial add-on. If protocol A (async) replication can't buffer the data to be transmitted (because the data is changing faster than it can be flushed out), DRBD proxy provides a system to have a MUCH larger send cache. It's specifically designed for long-throw asynchronous replication.

> I already made a script that executes with the network startup that
> updates DNS using nsupdate so that should be easy to create a resource
> based on it I would think.

Yes, RAs are fairly simple to write. See:



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