Hello all,

The ClusterLabs community has long used a #clusterlabs IRC channel on
the popular IRC server freenode.net.

As you may have heard, freenode recently had a mass exodus of staff and
channels after a corporate buy-out that was perceived as threatening
the user community's values.

Many have moved to a new server, libera.chat, organized as a nonprofit.
We have grabbed the #clusterlabs channel there to reserve the name.
(Thanks, digimer!)

Our options are to move #clusterlabs to libera.chat, find another
public server, set up our own chat solution on clusterlabs.org, or
continue using freenode until the dust settles.

By coincidence, I've been investigating Phacility as an open-source
project management tool for Pacemaker. I was already planning to set up
a demo instance on clusterlabs.org Friday. Phacility has a suite of
tools, including (web-based) chat, so I'll enable that, and we can
experiment with it to see if it's worth considering.

Opinions welcome. I'll follow up on this thread with any new
Ken Gaillot <kgail...@redhat.com>

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