Hi guys,

I'm trying to run a 2nd cocoon webapp on the same Tomcat instance, so that one can be for testing (and using a test backend db) and another for using what will be a live backend db. However, something isn't working right (rather, I'm getting something wrong).

To make things simple, I just:

1.) copied my entire cocoon directory to a directory called cocoon_live in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps
2.) edited $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml and added a 2nd <Context> element right below the first, this one with path="/live" and docBase="cocoon_live". The first <Context> has path="" and docBase="cocoon"
4.) Shutdown and restarted Tomcat, and tried to connect to http://my.server/live/html_files/some_sample_file.htm, but all I get is a completely blank response.

My app *is* database driven and uses Tomcat's DBCP, but I'm not able even to read a simple html file. The html files were copied along with the cocoon directory, so all the paths should be correct. It doesn't look like the Cocoon app under the "/live" virtual path is even being invoked. My original Cocoon (the one I'm using for testing) still works though.

Any ideas? I need to be able to run testing/live apps simultaneously from now on, so I'd appreciate your advice.

Thanks as always,


P.S. I'm running Cocoon 2.1 on Tomcat 4.1.12

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