Hi Fred,

for the fragments, i used for a similar need  XSL templates :
- 1 : generation (action + xsp) of xml datas calling explicitly each template with its 
secifics datas.
- 2 : a xsl document apply each template called in XML datas.
- 3 : serialization
templates are not usefull if all of your fragments are used each time, in this case 
you can apply each stylesheet in the sitemap.


> -----Message d'origine-----
> Date: mardi 9 septembre 2003 16:01
> Objet:        Large documents and fragments?
> Hi,
> We work in the scientific publishing industry and our typical source materials
> are fairly large XML files that contain a journal article with all the 
> usual stuff,
> abstracts, bibliographic references, figures, tables, etc.
> One of these documents typically yields multiple individual pages. For example,
> we will have an abstract page, a full text page, a figure 1 page, etc. 
> Further, we
> will aggregate bits of 50 documents or so to produce a table of contents.
> I am looking for the best way to approach this with cocoon. It seems 
> impractical
> to have a single source document drive all of these pages? I'm wondering
> if the document should be split up into fragments. How would something like
> this be done with cocoon? Can you serialize to a disk file?
> Also note that we are likely to be generating HTML off line and not using 
> cocoon
> for serving pages. But we want to be able to take advantage of sitemaps, 
> pipelines
> and all the other goodies to get the job done.
> This might be a bit outside of the normal cocoon usage. Has anyone else
> had any experience with this approach? Am I missing something obvious?
> Is there a better way?
> Many thanks!
> Fred
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