Joel Pitt wrote:

I tried this earlier with the URL Joel quoted and the RequestGenerator
ignored the parameters completely. I took a quick look in the generator
source code and saw that it dumped an Avalon "Parameters" object to the SAX
stream: it called parameters.getNames() to get an iteration of the
parameters by name. I didn't look at at how the Parameters object is
created, but it seems that these parameters aren't included because they
don't have names?

(I'm away from my cocoon install currently so I'm working from memory here.)

I did as David said, except that currently my image is unnamed. It is just an img
<img src="pic.png" ismap=true action="info.html"/>
as I recall.

When I examine the XML returned by the RequestGenerator, it has all the headers
etc. and then the parameters. The relevent part looked like:

<h:parameter name="12,23">

Tomorrow I will try giving the image element a name and report back.

Good. I cannot imagine it working without a name on the image map.

Regards, Upayavira

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