Hello Roman,

the namespace uri has changed from http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/requestgenerator/2.0 to http://apache.org/cocoon/request/2.0 because of the move of Cocoon to an Apache top project. The namespace prefix has no influence on the orking of the stylesheet, you only must bind your request namespace prefix to the changed namespace uri and the stylesheet should work like before.


Fleischer Roman wrote:


with cocoon 2.1M1 i used the entry "request:request/@target" to check the
location in my xsl. With the new namespace in cocoon 2.1 i get no result.
When calling the request generator i got in c2.1M1 this result:
<request xmlns="http://xml.apache.org/cocoon/requestgenerator/2.0";
target="/cocoon/OCIpreload" source=""> <requestHeaders> <header name="Accept">image/gif, image...

With the new version of cocoon2.1 i get this result: <h:request xmlns:h="http://apache.org/cocoon/request/2.0"; target="/cocoon/OCIpreload" source=""> <h:requestHeaders> <h:header name="Accept">image/gif, image...

??? what is the meaning of the h-namespace. How can i access the request
params with the new version?
Can anybody help??


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