> Jeff Ramsdale wrote:
> <snip/>
> > Actually, I figured that was probably the case. So Tony's
> example must have
> > been an error. I wanted to trust him! ;-)
> Yes, I messed up.. all those &'s should read as &amp;. I was lazy and
> stupid.

Well, let's not overdo it! I though the winky would lighten my jibe--I'm
sorry if it offended!

> Anyway, the short of it is that the proxy takes the "provided" request
> parameters, and combines them with the request parameters that were
> submitted via the form, and combines them.  I believe the provided
> request params are not being encoded.  I was partially into solving the
> problem when I realized the {raw-request-param:actor} was not correctly
> working.

Ah, ok. That makes sense. Looks like this must not be a popular feature if
no one's discovered this before. (Or maybe no one's looked deeply enough and
all the people that ran into it left in disgust...) Anyway, you seem to be
making progress and you offered a simple work-around. Kudos to you! Let me
know if I can be of help...

> I'll check it out more tomorrow and come up with something.
> Tony


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