From: Conal Tuohy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> >You can't do nested attribute values in XSLT. It seems to me
> you should
> >just
> >use:
> >
> ><xsl:template match="rp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'navigationMenu']">
> >   <cinclude:include src="{$navigationMenu}"/>
> ></xsl:template>
> >
> Ahh darn.  It seems ironic that a recursive language like
> XSLT doesn't
> support nesting of brackets like this.  Do you know if there is a
> fundamental reason for this, or is it something that hasn't
> been implemented
> in the XSLT spec yet?  XSLT has been around for awhile, so I
> think if it
> were going to have this feature, it probably already would have.

The reason is that recursive AVT would mean referring to the value of a
variable with a particular name, where the name was computed at runtime.
XSLT doesn't do this, and neither do most languages: C, Java, etc, none of
them do this.

That's true, although PHP does it. "Variable variables" I think they call it. Would be nice!

> Anyhow, while it's disappointing that I can't do a more > general version (to > match all possible "replace-with" strings), this will work > for my current > needs.

Of course, you'll need to pass all possible "replace-with" strings as
individual parameters, too, won't you? So you have to deal with each one
independently in any case.

Yes, that's true. It's just a small consolation to write general template and simply add param declarations.



PS probably you'd have better luck with this kind of question on the
MulberryTech XSL list.

MulberryTech eh? Sounds familiar, although I'm not sure what it is. I'll take a look though...thanks for the tip!

Thanks again,


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