It is amazing that no one has commented on this post. Perhaps it is because
the beta-omega developers do not want to show anything that contradicts the
alpha developer (fear of agora Siberia perhaps...).

You show a way to use cocoon and the document function in a harmonious (and
a very useful) way.

Are people simply closing their eyes to new ways (although standard and
accepted by some extremely intelligent people in XML/XSL) or have they
invested too deeply in _the cocoon way_ or do they simply refuse to think
about (and therefore feel no need to comment)?


One more benefit of using the document function as opposed to /proprietary/
cocoon ways is that you can perform simple transforms outside of cocoon or
even pick up your XSL and leave for another solution. -- NO LOCK IN --


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Horsfield, Peter A. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 3:30 PM
>       document('cocoon:/myinternalpipeline');
> SoC... Caching... Virtual URI space... Pipeline reuse...
> All it would take is for Cocoon to keep an eye out for calls to the
> SourceResolver, and perhaps for request parameters to be
> passed smartly. Better yet, force all document('...') requests be
> Cocoon internal protocol requests.
> Counter points:
> Source Pure XML -
>       You get one pure XML source indirectly
>       AND you get to use all the existing XML
>       application specific tools for your other source.
> Aggregation -
>       Aggregation is not the force for SoC it is presented as.
>       It is good only for simple single level cases. As soon
>       as you aggregate aggregations, you've lost the case.
> Speed -
>       In an attempt to speed up processing, I removed the
>       document function, and cincluded the data
>       into the source. It made no difference. (Solaris 8 -
>       there were other speed issues at the time).
> DOM / SAX -
>       Aggregation pumps entire blocks of SAX events. This is
>       fine, XSLT may be worse. But XSLT (or STX) implementations
>       do have the freedom to optimize this stuff. The semantics of
>       aggregation do not allow this freedom.
> Now if the developers of Cocoon think that using the document function is
> not a good use of Cocoon, then so be it. I think that in conjunction with
> the Cocoon protocol, it is a powerful feature that supports SoC.
> When it comes down to it aggregation and the document function do fulfil
> the same need. The only reason I would pick the XSLT document function
> over aggregation, is... it just feels right.
> After writing this all down, I think I've decided that both aggregation
> and
> document() suck in Cocoon. There has got to be a better way.
> Cocoon 3, perhaps.
> Regards,
> Peter
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