Hi Steven,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steven Noels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, October 18, 2003 12:09 PM
> In my very personal opinion, I'm not convinced one should use document()
> for aggregation purposes, since:
> 1) it hides away the aggregation instruction into an XSLT stylesheet,
> which might (or might not) be obvious to debug for somebody who isn't
> the original author.

And it is more obvious in a sitemap.xml to someone other than the cocoon

Sure there are places for both! For example, layout configuration does not
concern a backend dev, but allows a frontend dev to separate concerns. And,
in my mind XSLT only provides the structure of the result where CSS provides
the styling (at least for HTML, and recently for things like MACR Flash).

> 2) theoretically, the non-document() methods of aggregation can be
> optimized not to create a full tree/table model of the document to be
> imported, which isn't the case using the document() function: a DOM-like
> in-memory representation will be created for both the imported and
> importing document. Using the include transformers, this might or might
> not be the case, i.e. the importing & imported document are SAX-streamed
> and no tree is built up (except when doing XPointer stuff with the
> XIncludeTransformer). Especialy for busy sites with large (aggregated)
> pages, this can make a huge difference.

Yes, in theory... but in practice I have not seen it, at least for my
situation. For me (CMS needs), I see slower results and more memory usage
(did you see Bruno's post to the dev list on the docs issue?) -- perhaps I
am doing things wrong...

The original poster's solution is very interesting as it lets me do things
without being inextricably tied to cocoon (I like to provide a simple exit
strategy), do things the same way I do them now and gain some of the
advantages I see in cocoon. I would have thought his way would be welcomed
as an alternative way that uses cocoon's strengths.

There is a large (?) group of XSLT users who could enter cocoon this way. I
don't see why there is an active effort to discourage (people do, as you may
know) the use of the document function based on unproven theory or feelings.

In the past there has been discussion of using the document function but it
has been dismissed as something that 'does not feel right' and people have
towed the line. Then, there was a discussion on a 'cool repository' (Reiser
FS) that seemed to reinvent the document function (as many of the examples
given demonstrated). It just seems minds have closed on the issue.

Thanks for your input -- sincerely,

> HTH,
> </Steven>
> --
> Steven Noels                            http://outerthought.org/
> Outerthought - Open Source Java & XML            An Orixo Member
> Read my weblog at            http://blogs.cocoondev.org/stevenn/
> stevenn at outerthought.org                stevenn at apache.org
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