I've read the documentation and the Wiki as well the most recent CLI threads
in July and earlier this month. However, I can't seem to figure out how to
configure the cli.xconf for my webapp.

The site I'm building is dynamic, using Cocoon 2.1.1 to transform aggregated
XML docs at run-time. Part of this aggregation is a static table of contents
(TOC) document that is generated at design-time with a transform on Cocoon's
directory generator output.

<map:match pattern="toc">
    <map:generate src="xml/site" type="directory">
        <map:parameter name="depth" value="10"/>
    <map:transform src="xsl/gentoc.xsl"/>
    <map:serialize type="xml"/>

I request http://server:8080/toc to generate the XML in my browser. By hand,
I paste the resulting XML into a file called toc.xml. This is a mind
numbingly arduous process that I hoped to automate in the deployment process
with Ant. However, the first step is generating toc.xml with Cocoon's
command line interface. Because I need to use the directory generator, I
don't see a way around this.

To install Cocoon 2.1.1, I built a minimalist WAR that I deployed in Tomcat.
This, of course, doesnąt include all of the goodies in the build directory
of the installation directory. Where do I put my custom cli.xconf file? In
my cocoon-2.1.2/build directory or in my tomcat/webapps/cocoon directory?
Also, given my path confusion, I'm not sure how to set the <context-dir>,
<config-file>, <work-dir>, and <dest-dir> elements. Finally, is this the
correct <uri> for generating the URL http://server:8080/toc into the file
site/xml/toc.xml within tomcat/webapps/cocoon?

<uri type="replace" src-prefix="" src="toc" dest="site/xml/toc.xml"/>

Here are the interesting parts of my cli.xconf (currently located in



<uri type="replace" src-prefix="" src="toc" dest="site/xml/toc.xml"/>

Run from the commandline using

./cocoon.sh cli -x /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-4.1.27/webapps/cocoon/cli.xconf

I'm getting the error

Cannot find CatalogManager.properties
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

I'm very confused. Any help would be much appreciated.

- Justin Makeig

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