hi all, I am really stuck with XSP calling a function of a java class. here
is my problem.
This is the xsp code,

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsp:page xmlns:xsp="http://apache.org/xsp";>
   <xsp:logic>PACK.Test t=new PACK.Test();
String st=t.other();

and this is the Test.java code.

import com.decisiontech.framework.test.*;

public class Test {

    public Test() {

    public String other() {
       return hello;
now the problem is this, xsp calls this fucntion two times, i dont know
why..but i checked the stdout.log file under tomcat log directory and it
prints helloworld two times. and there for i m stuck here. the abouve is the
example so it returns back hello but in my actual code the situation is
different and therefor i m not been able to return the correct value.
please somebody help me out with this.

thanks alot in advance

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