Mika Fonsen wrote:

I'm trying to pass a string as request attribute from an XSP to a
XSLT-stylesheet using an input module. The case #1 works fine.

However, in case #2 if I put an XSLT-transformer in between and try to
read the attribute using an input module, nothing gets trough.

What could be the problem?

This is a timing problem and sort of a FAQ. So, please search the list for an in depth explanation. In short, pipeline setup happen *before* pipeline execution IOW when you pass the parameter to the setup method of your transformer, the generator (the XSP) hasn't been executed and thus the parameter is not set, yet.

Ultimately I'm trying to use the string in an mod-db action, but I left
that part out because of the complexity. I'm actually preprocessing the
post-parameters from a browser before the mod-db action, would there be
a better way doing this?

This would not work as -- again -- the action is run before the XSP is selected. You may write an XSP-action (or Java action) for this or a custom input module. Maybe you can achieve the desired effect by combining several modules...

You may want to consider flow.


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