> -----Message d'origine-----
> De: Sylvain Wallez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Date: mardi, 28. octobre 2003 19:02
> Objet: Re: JXForms vs. Woody vs. KISS
> Well, not later than this afternoon, I had a meeting with MVC zealots 
> that were only speaking of "pure" MVC, Struts, "pure" JSP (no code), 
> etc. I demonstrated them flowscript and woody (using my GT 
> presentation 
> which you can find in the cocoon downloads) and we ended the meeting 
> with them saying "wow, this is a really clean MVC with strong 
> separation 
> of concerns, and looks very easy to use".
> I found by experience that using Woody + Flowscript involves 
> really few 
> technologies: Javascript for the flow (but don't you already 
> know it if 
> you know HTML and/or Java?) and a lightweight declarative markup (the 
> woody form definition). Not more than that.

Just one question from a woody novice: why using Javascript? I think that Java 
language is more practical and powerful. XMLForm used Java for the flow and this was a 
good solution I think.

Sylvain (T)

> Ah yes, you also need to learn a bunch of "wt:" elements for the form 
> template. But even this can be avoided: before the abovementioned 
> meeting, I hacked a 20-lines XSL that turns a plain old HTML page 
> (without any single additional attribute) into a woody template.
> Sylvain

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