I didn't know the FileGenerator zipped capabilities ...
Here it is my source. It's pretty simple. It inherits from the FileGenerator.

You have to give 4 parameters :
* src : src archive path
* directory : dir where you want to store the unzipped content
* file : file to extract
* newfile : new filename

       <map:match pattern="process-training-ooo-*">
           <map:generate type="inflated" src="training/{1}.sxw">
               <map:parameter name="directory" value="ooo"/>
               <map:parameter name="file" value="content.xml"/>
               <map:parameter name="newfile" value="{1}.xml"/>
           <map:transform src="stylesheets/tranform.xsl"/>
           <map:serialize type="xml"/>

Of course, don't forget :
<map:generator label="content" logger="sitemap.generator.inflated" name="inflated" pool-grow="4" pool-max="32" pool-min="8" src="org.apache.cocoon.generation.InflatedFileGenerator"/>

Hope that helps.

* $Id$
* Copyright @ 2003 BABEL OBJECTS SARL. All Rights Reserved.
* This software is the proprietary information of BABEL OBJECTS SARL. * Use is subject to license terms.
package org.apache.cocoon.generation;

import org.apache.avalon.framework.parameters.Parameters;
import org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException;
import org.apache.cocoon.environment.SourceResolver;
import org.apache.cocoon.environment.http.HttpEnvironment;
import org.apache.cocoon.environment.wrapper.MutableEnvironmentFacade;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.zip.ZipEntry;
import java.util.zip.ZipInputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;

* $Id$
* @author Jean-Christophe Kermagoret
public class InflatedFileGenerator extends FileGenerator {
* Setup the file generator.
* Try to get the last modification date of the source for caching.
public void setup(SourceResolver resolver, Map objectModel, String src, Parameters par)
throws ProcessingException, SAXException, IOException {
String contextUrl = null;
if (resolver instanceof HttpEnvironment) {
contextUrl = ((HttpEnvironment) resolver).getContext();
} else if (resolver instanceof MutableEnvironmentFacade) { contextUrl = ((MutableEnvironmentFacade) resolver).getContext();
// We cut the first 6 characters corresponding to "file:/"
String contextDir = contextUrl.substring(6,contextUrl.length()); super.setup(resolver, objectModel, retrieveFile(contextDir, src, par), par);
* Always retrieves the file, even :
* if there is none
* or if there is already one and its date is older than the archive
* @TODO: cache implementation for extracted file
public String retrieveFile(String contextDir, String src, Parameters par) {
String tmpDir = null;
String fileToRetrieve = null;
String newFileName = null;
try {
tmpDir = par.getParameter("directory");
fileToRetrieve = par.getParameter("file");
newFileName = par.getParameter("newfile");
} catch (Exception ex) {

try {
// Open the ZIP file
String inFilename = contextDir + src;
ZipInputStream in = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(inFilename));

           // Lookup the right entry
           ZipEntry entry;
           do {
               entry = in.getNextEntry();
           } while (! fileToRetrieve.equals(entry.getName()));

           // Open the output file
           String outFilename = contextDir + tmpDir + "/" + newFileName;
           OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outFilename);

           // Transfer bytes from the ZIP file to the output file
           byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
           int len;
           while ((len = in.read(buf)) > 0) {
               out.write(buf, 0, len);

// Close the streams
return outFilename;
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;

Tony Edwards wrote:

Hi Jean,
We use the OpenOffice format a fair bit here for other projects. I did write a simple generator to extract the 'content.xml' from the .sxw file but it was a bit of a kludgey hack as my java skills are still a bit infantile!
I'd be interested in utilising your offering if that's possible.


Jean-Christophe Kermagoret wrote:

Hi List,
I wrote a very simple InflatedFileGenerator that takes a zip file and extract one item to use it as source for

It's useful if you want to use, for example, standart OpenOffice.org format .sxw instead of flat xml.
Of course you can use it with .zip format.

Usage example :
       <map:match pattern="process-ooo">
           <map:generate type="inflated" src="ooo/presentation.sxw">
               <map:parameter name="directory" value="ooo"/>
               <map:parameter name="file" value="content.xml"/>
           <map:transform src="test/ooo-content2sdbk.xsl"/>
           <map:serialize type="xml"/>

where :
* directory is the dir where the file is going to be inflated
* file is the name of the file you want to get

Is there anybody interested ?
Where do I put it ?


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Jean-Christophe Kermagoret

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