On 26 Nov 2003, at 18:19, Bruno Dumon wrote:

How do I call delete on my bean?
I am using Hibernate, it is not enough to just remove the item from
the Collection, I also need to call session.delete (resource) (or more
accurately ResourcePeer.delete (session, resource), so it is wrapped in
a Transaction) on the deletee.

Simply execute this code from an event-handler attached to the button?

Now I am having a problem identifying which row is being deleted.

in my Model :

<wd:repeater id="resources">
<wd:output id="id">
<wd:datatype base="long"/>
. . .
<wd:row-action id="delete" action-command="delete">
<wd:label><i18n:text i18n:catalogue="local">label.delete.resource</i18n:text></wd:label>
<wd:hint><i18n:text i18n:catalogue="local">hint.delete.resource</i18n:text></wd:hint>
<javascript>deleteRow (event)</javascript>

in my Binding :

<wb:repeater id="resources"

    <wb:value id="id" path="id"/>
    . . .




in my FløwScript :

// event handler called by Woody to remove a Resource Row from the Album
function deleteRow (event) {
// get the ID of the Resource that is being deleted, so I can remove it from the Persistor
cocoon.log.info ("User deleting Row :" + event.getSourceWidget ().getParent ().getId ());

this shows '-1' ( !!!! )
Has it been deleted before this handler is called?

If I go :event.getSourceWidget ().getId () I get 'delete'.

If I go :event.getSourceWidget ().getParent ().getId () I get '-1'.

If I go :event.getSourceWidget ().getParent ().getParent ().getId () I get 'resources'.

Thanks for any suggestions

regards Jeremy

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