I'm sure it works - at least on Windows I have it working with absolute paths.

Are you sure the map:mount is accessed, i.e. the matcher matches (sitemap.log with log level DEBUG)?

And why says the error message
instead of something with
in it. I mean why /var/www should be truncated, but the rest not?

I hope you got it working in the meantime as it your mail is already two weeks old ...


On 15.12.2003 11:29, Sonja Löhr wrote:

Hi, all!

I repost my mount-question:

I've just installed cocoon 2.1.3 on a debian linux system under tomcat

My own examples are under /var/www/cocoon/myexamples (the directory name
"cocoon" has nothing to do with Cocoon's installation directory!!),
whith its own sitemap.xmap.

With cocoon 2.0.4 I had the following mount expression in the root

<map:pipeline> <map:match pattern="myexamples/**"> <map:mount uri-prefix="myexamples/" src="file:///var/www/cocoon/myexamples/sitemap.xmap" check-reload="yes" reload-method="synchron"/> </map:match> </map:pipeline>

The only change I made to cocoon 2.1.3 after the build was that I added this pipeline to the root sitemap, which worked fine under 2.0.4

But cocoon simply ignores the absolute file-protocol path and searches
the sitemap under its own webapp directory:
I get a ResourceNotFoundException --> FileNotFoundException saying that

doesn't exist

Is it a bug? Have there been changes in the mount-syntax I overread?
Does anyone have the same problem?

Thanks in advance

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