
I read some of the posts in the mail-archives that the problem lies in
Tomcat 4.1.29 (which I use too). So I copied my project directory to the
cocoon-2.1.3/build/webapp dir and started Jetty from the Cocoon dir. It
states to use Xalan 2.5.2, but the problem remains.

Bye, Helma

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Tuesday, 06 January 2004 15:33
> Subject: RE: Sudden difference in interpretation of #160 - bug?
> Hi,
> Thanks for all the help.
> > I have never heard of such a strange effect and I can't 
> > imagine what the 
> > reason for it should be. You must have a crazy encoding specified 
> > somewhere if #160 is not nbsp. Are you using another encoding 
> > than UTF-8 
> > or ISO-8859-1? Maybe only because of a typo?
> Ok, what I know so far: I start off with XML without any such 
>   codes.
> These are added in the last XSL stylesheet. I've defined my 
> own <!ENTITY
> nbsp "&#160;"> (and raquo and copy as well). When I add a
> SourceWriteTransformation that writes the output of this 
> stylesheet to file
> I notice that for each #160 character the binary code C2 A0 is added.
> I've looked my code over and over but there is no encoding specified
> anywhere now, other than in the <?xml ..?> and that is 
> default set to UTF-8.
> > Furthermore the meta tag *must* be removed from the XSLT, otherwise 
> > that's a possible root of many of errors of this type. The 
> Right. It's removed. 
> > meta tag is added by the serializer, not by IE.
> Clear.
> > Have a look at your serializer declaration in the sitemap. 
> What's the 
> > difference between 'html' and 'xhtml'?
> the serializer declaration is the standard version of Cocoon 
> 2.1.3. I try to
> avoid changes to this file. My project is a subdir of the 
> standard Cocoon
> dir with its own sitemap.xmap. The latter doesn't have any serializer
> declarations and the cocoon sitemap.xmap has no encoding specified for
> 'html' and <encoding>UTF-8</encoding> for 
> When I do a "save as" in IE of the page and examine the source code (I
> cannot examine it directly for some reason or other) I notice 
> the added
> metatag encoding iso-8859-1. All these "special" codes (nbsp, 
> raquo, copy)
> are prefixed with the Acirc character (= #194 = xC2). 
> > And please test if you are using a recent Xalan using the 
> environment 
> > check stylesheet: 
> >> j/faq.html#environmentcheck.
> Right. This was quite an eyeopener. I had JAVA_HOME set to 
> d:\j2sdk1.4.1_03
> but the registry setting of XP overruled this with a totally 
> different 1.4
> version. :-(
> Once I fixed this I noticed the paragraph about the endorsed 
> libs. When I
> fixed this too the environment check produced Xalan 2.5.2. 
> There is now no
> older Xalan version around that could be used (I fixed Tomcat too).
> Result: still an Acirc. I'm now able to view the source and 
> there is no
> metatag with encoding info any more. :-(
> Bye, Helma
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