Davide wrote:

Hi all, i'm trying to use the PHP generator but without success...

I had a look ath the cocoon wiki php generator page and followed the instructions but id doesn't run;
thisi is the link: http://wiki.cocoondev.org/Wiki.jsp?page=PHPGenerator

for example this is my test page:


print "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";

print "<page>\n";
print "<title>Hello world from PHP</title>\n";
print "<content>\n";
print "<para>This is my page being dynamically generated using a PhpGenerator</para>\n";
print "</content>\n";
print "</page>\n";

when i call it it doesn't run, and i obtain a blank page; but no errors in the sitemap or similar... HOW TO DO TO MAKE IT RUN??

I've never ever seen the PHPGenerator run correctly. I'm not sure if it's a problem with the PHPServlet, the API that the Generator uses to talk to the servlet, or some sort of weird library problem. A blank page is obviously not that useful, and I've never found any useful logging coming out of the PHPGenerator.

There was talk a while ago about deprecating the PHPGenerator, perhaps it is time to either seriously figure out what's wrong with it, or deprecate it and let it die.


Best regards, Davide

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