On Jan 20, 2004, at 9:06 AM, mirko wrote:
That's why I asked on the group :) There is at least three frameworks:
- Hibernate
- Apache OJB
- Castor

I'd like to know information about using them in Cocoon, specially about its:
- reliability
- performance
- good/bad integreation with Cocoon
- easy of use
- and so on ...

I can speak for OJB:

Reliability: Very reliable in my experience, and in reports from users. I have used it in high-availability cluster situations and never had cause for complaint.

Performance: Very performant for an O/R mapper, you will always see better performance if you have time to hand craft all your sql though.

Integration with Cocoon: There is a Cocoon block, though I don't use it for using OJB in my Cocoon apps.

Ease of Use: I like using the XDoclet module to make it simple, Antonio is big on generating mappings via Druid, I think, there are additional tools to help with mapping, many of which are described at http://db.apache.org/ojb/howto-build-mappings.html . The client API's are pretty straightforward -- the PB API is the easiest to use, probably, though the ODMG is frequently more comfortable for people who have noever worked with O/R Mapping tools before. Either way, I suggest using either of them against the OTM layer, I am working on expanding OTM docs right now and a few updates are in CVS. Had hoped to check in a good OTM tutorial and overview over the weekend, but it wasn't finished before monday hit. The code is good and works well, the OTM docs are just lacking at the moment because until recently we hadn't decided whether to publicize it or not in 1.0 (we are).

Hibernate is a pretty good project as well. They have a much better marketing department than OJB. It isn't as flexible, nor as powerful, in my experience, however. With the 2.1 release the flexibility improved remarkably as a number of items became pluggable, but it is still a "do it our way if you want to use our project" type tool for the most part. There is more documentation available for Hibernate than OJB, but that is changing rapidly (my personal pet project is fixing up the OJB docs, I'm a weirdo).

Castor I haven't used personally so cannot really comment on. I met a couple Castor developers once and they seemed like bright people. I have heard that there is about an order of magnitude performance hit compared to OJB, though.


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