Chris Wilder-Smith wrote:

On Thu, 2004-02-05 at 19:45, Geoff Howard wrote:

Chris Wilder-Smith wrote:


I get

** request class: org.apache.cocoon.environment.http.HttpRequest

Right - and that's the point. Sorry I didn't explain more, but a change was made to the environment and request abstraction handling such that the assumption in the wiki that you can tell whether uploads are successfully enabled is no longer correct.

So, you'll notice in my proposed code that I ignore the type of request. Try it and let me know what happens. If you just println inside each condition block you'll have a major clue.

I took a look through the HttpRequest code and can see how that is
supposed to work on the request wrapper inside the HttpRequest.

I checked the content type and get multipart/form-data so that seems


If I instrument the MultipartHttpServletRequest code so I can see what's in the 'values' Hashtable - I just get two parameters with string values - there are no Part objects in there.

Do you think that means that the form-data really isn't getting parsed? I also just threw it at a requestgenerator but don't get any insights

hmmm, I would be suspicious that uploads were broken in 2.1.3 but I really don't think so.

Can you triple check that the web.xml used in this case really has enable-uploads set properly?

After that, i'd break out a debugger, set a break point on cocoon servlet where it creates the request, or RequestFactory, etc. and see what is going on.


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