Philippe Guillard wrote:
> Hi all,
> Help about wiki page on OpenOfficeGeneration made by Yves Vindevogel. My
> trouble is that cocoon renders my sxw files in plain text without
> styling.
> My question is: Where is made the link to the DTDs in
> /resources/entities ? Don't find any in xsl stylesheets and pipeline
> presented and i suppose this is what i'm missing. 
> Note1: i copied the oo DTDs from windows since i was not able to find
> them on my linux, and compared to what is said in the wiki page, i don't
> have any catalog file :-(

Yes you do. It is distributed with Cocoon. You would need
to add entries to it for your local ooffice DTDs.

> Note2: i tried html.oowriter.xsl and standard oo transformation.

There are the beginnings of some facilities at Apache Forrest for
doing this.


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