
I have no problem to donate the code to Cocoon. 

Just want to know if the code needs to get some kind of approval before using
the 'org.apache.cocoon' name.


--- Geoff Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Oscar Picasso wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am writing a Cocoon application.
> > 
> > I would like to avoid renaming my packages in case there are useful for the
> > cocoon community.
> > 
> > Let's say I have the following classes:
> > 
> > // Sitemap components
> > - com.mycompany.cocoon.generation.CacheableVelocityGenerator
> > - com.mycompany.cocoon.action.DefaultPathAction
> > 
> > // An avalon component (but not a sitemap one)
> > - com.mycompany.cocoon.components.DefaultPathProvider
> > 
> > 1- Is it recommended or discouraged to use 'org.apache.cocoon..." instead
> of
> > 'com.mycompany.cocoon...' if I make the code publicly available?
> > 
> > 2- In case the 'org.apache.cocoon' naming is recommended and supposing my
> > classes are aimed at easing the creation of web sites.
> > 
> > Is it better to name them like this:
> > - org.apache.cocoon.generation.CacheableVelocityGenerator
> > - org.apache.cocoon.action.DefaultPathAction
> > 
> > or something like that:
> > - org.apache.cocoon.sitebuilder.generation.CacheableVelocityGenerator
> > - org.apache.cocoon.sitebuilder.action.DefaultPathAction
> This boils down to a licensing question.  As I understand it, you cannot 
> use org.apache.cocoon package name unless your code is donated to Cocoon.
> Geoff
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