Hi All

I have a collection of documents which I am displaying to the user with the XPathDirectoryGenerator.

The documents have 3 namespaces declared in them, one default and two prefixed.

I am trying to construct an XPath expression to pull out a title to show for the documents, but I get no results.

The path to the element I want to read is this:

/AAF/Header/Header/Content/ContentStorage/Mobs/CompositionMob/ UserComments/TaggedValue/Value/rd:log/dc:Title

Where the following namespaces are declared in the document:


In the context of an XSLT, where all of the namespaces are declared, the XPath expression would be this:

/aaf:AAF/aaf:Header/aaf:Header/aaf:Content/aaf:ContentStorage/aaf:Mobs/ aaf:CompositionMob/aaf:UserComments/aaf:TaggedValue/aaf:Value/rd:log/ dc:Title

Is there a special XPath expression syntax for namespaces for use in this circumstance?

Thanks for any help.

regards Jeremy

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