
Sorry I think you are interesting version controlling in general, but I don
īt say concrets.

So, cvs is very well for text files versioning, but it only stores binary in 
repository without versioning.  I store only text files in repository.
I usually make two of repository, one for programming, and one for 
designing. Usually designers no need programming, and programmers no need 
designing.   Designers usually store their binary files in repository 
(.jpg,.gif etc.)

There is a little comparison for versioning here:


And locally I use RCS. It is like CVS but its repository is in current 
subdirectory/RCS dir. I usually store sitemap.xmaps, stylesheets, xsps and 
other text(xml) files. 

There are three of commands:
ci, co and rcsdiff

first time using:
        mkdir RCS
        ci -i filename
        co -l filename

after modify:
        ci -u filename
        co -l filename

        rcsdiff filename

retrieving an early version:
        co -l -rmajor.minor filename

> Hi,
> How are people setting up version control (CVS, SVN) for their projects?
> Do you just keep your content (sitemap, config files, stylesheets, etc)
> under version control or do you keep the entire app, including the
> cocoon jars there too?
> Any suggestions in this area would be apprectiated.

hope I help,
Zoltan Zidarics programmer
PTE University Pecs, Hungary
icq: 43288694

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