I think this could work with the infamous 'continuation-id-as-hidden-request-param' approach

(it was in Sylvain's presentation at the last Cocoon Gettogether)

try the following:
1/ let the form submit to the same uri:
<form action="" method="POST" />

2/ add the continuation-id as a
<input type="hidden" name="continuation-id" value="9837491871342" />

depending on what you use for templating-formhandling you achieve this with one of
- cforms: <ft:continuation-id>
- xslt: parameter filled in by the FlowContinuationModule (scratchpad block)
- jx: #{$cocoon/continuation/id}

3/ adjust your sitemap to handle both start-function and continuations under the same URI by selecting on GET/POST

<map:match pattern="uri-pointing-to-functionX">
  <map:select type="method">
    <!-- GET : start the flow for this screen -->
    <map:when test="GET">
      <map:call function="X"/>
    <!-- POST (form submission) : continue the flow -->
    <map:when test="POST">
      <map:call continuation="{request-param:continuation-id}"/>

like this, the referer should keep on pointing to the same URL, which when applied in the GET form just starts the flowscript again

(well, I haven't tried above but I can't see a reason why it shouldn't just work)

oh, even before the ack that above is working or not:
this approach will REQUIRE that your script gets used in this setup, you should clearly indicate (comment) that the more common *.continue approach is not to be used

HTH, -marc=

leo leonid wrote:

Hi all,

For a dynamic Site with lots of customization I had the following in mind:

1. User must not be redirected when/after changing some settings
2. User may change settings anywhere and anytime he wants to.
2. Changes are applied immediately. (no confirm, or reload)

I reached all these objectives with the following lines of flowscript.
This makes the user transparently reentering his current page, but with the new settings already applied.

function setUserLanguage() {

Since I consequently use POST to pass my application data, this looks like a very simple solution, *but* only as long as you don't have to deal with continuations. At this continuations behave quite different. The one I obtain by referer is not the one I expected, and may cause data being resubmitted.

Im sure there must be a solution, probably you can handle this with continuations even more exactly, but I need some hints...


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