Peter Lerche wrote:


Does that means that I should kill woody2.js and use Form.js instead ?

It means that, when you convert from Woody to CForms, your woody2.js file will be renamed Form.js. So, when you decide to do your conversion, that's when you''ll make that change.


On Monday 29 March 2004 17:08, Upayavira wrote:

Antonio Gallardo wrote:

Woody is being deprcated in favor of CForms. Use better CForms.

Yes, but you still have the Form.js vs v2/Form.js question, don't you?

My uneducated answer would be that Form.js is much more tried and tested
- v2 is a proposal that I have recently started seeing people use.

For safety, go with Form.js. For potentially greater flexibility (I
guess) go with v2/Form.js.

Given that cforms are still much under development, there's no
definitive answer to this. You have to use your own judgement, really.

Regards, Upayavira

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