Hi Stephanie,

On Tue, 6 Apr 2004 18:15:42 +0200 (MEST)
"Stephanie Zohner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It might start the generation in the right order, but then
> it does not wait until the first uri generation is
> finished before it starts the second one(and so forth).
> Could this be the reason? Follow-links="false" does not
> solve the problem. It is logical because there are no
> links in the generated files.
> In the first pipeline I call an xml-file is written that
> is the input(generator source) for the following 2
> pipelines. So for me it's importent that the first url in
> the list has been generated before the second one starts.
> Is this behaviour a bug or a feature?
> I'm using cocoon 2.1.3
> Regards,
> Stephanie

If I unterstand you and you use the result from the first
uri  (the generate from the CLI to disk) as input for your
following uris:

Normally the CLI (so the CocoonBean) write the result to the
filesystem, before the next uri is processed (the same with
switched on/off the follow-link and confirm-extensions).

(So I'm right with Java a OutputStream.flush() and
OutputStream.close() generate a existing file to the
filesystem, and it should be available for the next uri as

Is there some output in the log-files, the CLI write
normally to the cli.log. 
If the CLI generate a Output like
* [1/3]     [0/0]     2.212s 335b  foo/my.html
the page is written then to disk. 

If nothing helps (like the confirm-extensions from
Upayavira), maybe the next can do it, if there is something
buffered and not write to disk.

If the you can generate the first url and see the output and
all is correct, maybe a workaround is to write 2 cli.xconf
files. The first file generate only your first uri and the
second cli-2.xconf generate the following. Put both to a
script (batch or shell) like

./cocoon.sh cli -x cli-1.xconf
./cocoon.sh cli -x cli-2.xconf

or as batch

cocoon cli -x cli-1.xconf
cocoon cli -x cli-2.xconf

Best Regards,

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