Hi Nils!

The code is not valid XSLT, so why it works on XP is strange to me...
You can't change the value of a variable:

Try with this instead (replacing the entire snippet):

select="/projects/project[client=$client]|/projects/project[$client = '']">

Hope this helps!

Askild :)

Nils Köster wrote:
> a strange thing ist happening:
> On Windows XP, Cocoon 2.1.4 has no problems with the 
> following code, on debian linux cocoon 2.1.4 says: " Failed 
> to execute pipeline.
> org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException: Failed to execute pipeline.:
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Can not convert #STRING to a NodeList!
> cause: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can not convert #STRING to 
> a NodeList! "
> The Code:
> "
> <xsl:variable name="project_list"/>           
> <xsl:choose>
>       <xsl:when test="$client = ''">
>               <xsl:variable name="../project_list" 
> select="/projects/project"/>
>       </xsl:when>
>       <xsl:otherwise>
>               <xsl:variable name="../project_list" 
> select="/projects/project[client=$client]"/>
>       </xsl:otherwise>
> </xsl:choose>
> <xsl:for-each select="$project_list">
>     (...)
> "
> Does anyone have a clue on this one?

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