Askild wrote:

select="/projects/project[client=$client]|/projects/project[$client = '']">

Joerg wrote:

>><xsl:for-each select="/projects/project[client = $client] |

On 10.04.2004 11:20, Nils Köster wrote:

Thanx to both of you, both ways work.

Askild's and my expression are conceptionally equal. They way it works is simple: [expression] are called predicates. node[expression] is only selected if the predicate evaluates to true. This is the case if $client matches client for the first part of the expression when the projects are filtered. And the second part evaluates to true if $client is "empty". Askild's expression tests exactly for empty string, I use the normalize-space() for the case $client contains whitespaces.

I read somewhere, that it's possible to change the value as long
as it has not been set...bit maybe i got something wrong.

Sounds like a paradoxon :) If you think of it like Java's final, that's false.

<xsl:variable name="test"/>


  <xsl:when test="expression">
    <xsl:variable name="test" select="test"/>
    <xsl:variable name="test" select="test2"/>

will not work.


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