
Personnaly, I don't start jetty in Eclipse, but use the
>cocoon servlet-debug command and plug my Eclipse on the (default) debug port of jetty and it works well.

For tomcat, I added a debug clause in a special catalina.bat to plug Eclipse in there. And it also works good.

I don't see any advantage to start jetty from Eclipse.

Hope this helps.


Flavio Palumbo wrote:

Hi Olivier,

thank you for the replay, but I overtook that phase ; in fact I found on
the mail archive a mail of yours with links to Wiki pages "LoadInEclipse"
and "DebuggingCocoon"; so I rebuilt my project following that documents
; unfortunately the built went fine, but when I tried to start jetty from
within eclipse, I always get an exception java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
Exception in thread "main".
I configured jetty as an application following these notes, reported at
the bottom of the LoadInEclipse document :

- make sure ./tools/loader is on your eclipse classpath (it isn't by default)

- create an eclipse run configuration for Jetty Cocoon: - On configurations 'Main' tab use 'Loader' as the main class. - On the Arguments tab set: - Program arguments: "tools\jetty\conf\main.xml" - VM arguments: "-Djava.endorsed.dirs=./lib/endorsed" "-Dwebapp=./build/webapp" "-Dorg.xml.sax.parser=org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser"
"-Djetty.port=8888 -Djetty.admin.port=8889"

Can you please help me ?

Thanks a lot

Flavio Palumbo

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