On 31.05.2004, at 08:39, Dieter Schicker wrote:


I'm new to cocoon and I'm trying to setup a web application with a
postgres database backend. Problem is that I can't get my database user
authenticated correctly.

Version numbers:
Cocoon: 2.1
Tomcat: 5.0
Postgres: 7.4.2


  <jdbc name="books">
    <pool-controller min="5" max="10"/>


Your setup in web.xml an cocoon.xconf is correct.

Did you already try to use TCP/IP sockets instead of UNIX sockets?


pg_hba.conf: # Database administrative login by UNIX sockets local all postgres ident sameuser # # All other connections by UNIX sockets local all all ident sameuser

postgres log:
2004-05-31 08:40:53 [2785] DEBUG: forked new backend, pid=2852 socket=8
2004-05-31 08:40:53 [2852] LOG: connection received: host=
2004-05-31 08:40:53 [2852] FATAL: IDENT authentication failed for user
2004-05-31 08:40:53 [2785] DEBUG: child process (PID 2852) exited with
exit code 0

When I try to connect to the database through a regular java application,
everything works fine.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

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