DBUrl is wrong, that's for sure.
You may have other problems too.

1) correct your dburl like the one below (in your case, substitute procat with your dbname)
2) make sure you call the correct connection pool in your xsp or sql transformer
3) you need to run postgresql with the option to listen to a tcp/ip port. You can do that by starting PG with the pg_ctl -D /somewhere -o -i start option
4) you need to specify an entry in your hba_conf file in pg to allow your IP number to connect to the database

 <jdbc name="procat">
        <pool-controller max="10" min="5"/>

On 31 May 2004, at 08:39, Dieter Schicker wrote:


I'm new to cocoon and I'm trying to setup a web application with a
postgres database backend. Problem is that I can't get my database user
authenticated correctly.

Version numbers:
Cocoon: 2.1
Tomcat: 5.0
Postgres: 7.4.2


  <jdbc name="books">
    <pool-controller min="5" max="10"/>


# Database administrative login by UNIX sockets
local   all         postgres        ident sameuser
# All other connections by UNIX sockets
local   all         all             ident sameuser

postgres log:
2004-05-31 08:40:53 [2785] DEBUG: forked new backend, pid=2852 socket=8
2004-05-31 08:40:53 [2852] LOG: connection received: host=
2004-05-31 08:40:53 [2852] FATAL: IDENT authentication failed for user
2004-05-31 08:40:53 [2785] DEBUG: child process (PID 2852) exited with
exit code 0

When I try to connect to the database through a regular java application,
everything works fine.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance

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