On Mon, Jun 28, 2004 at 03:35:08PM +0100, Colin Paul Adams wrote:
> >>>>> "Tim" == Tim Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Tim> In the sitemap for the sample forms:
>     Tim> C:\tdl\live\repo\cocoon\cocoon-2.1\src\blocks\forms\samples\sitemap.xmap
>     Tim> you will see transformer lines like this: <map:transform
>     Tim> src="resources/forms-samples-styling.xsl"/> that refer to the
>     Tim> stylesheets here:
>     Tim> cocoon-2.1\src\blocks\forms\samples\resources
>     Tim> HTH, --Tim Larson
> Not really Tim.
> I saw all those.
> But they seem to be samples, specific to the specific examples.
> At least, that is how I read them.

While these stylesheets are included with the samples, they are not
specific to the individual samples.  To be a little clearer:

forms-samples-styling.xsl - top-level xslt that includes the others
forms-page-styling.xsl    - does page-level styling
forms-field-styling.xsl   - does simple, minimal field styling
forms-advanced-field-styling.xsl - does fancy field styling, in part
                                 - by including the two xslt's below
forms-calendar-styling.xsl - calendar picker styling
forms-htmlarea-styling.xsl - html editor styling

> The documentation was saying you DON'T have to write individual
> stylesheets for each form.
> If that is correct, then what stylesheet DO you use?

Note that the form-specific xslt's are kept elsewhere, for example:

HTH more :)
--Tim Larson

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