Hi, thank you all for the answers!
I'm now using eXist with cocoon and thinks are
working very well and it's really easy to configure eXist
with cocoon.  XQueryGenerator it's really powerful... :)

BTW, does anyone here know witch is the best approach to
delete a collection in eXist? It's is not possible using 
XQuery (XQueryGenerator) or XMLDBTransformer (the one provided 
by eXist) right?

Thanks to all.


On Thu, 2004-07-01 at 10:47, Christian Mayrhuber wrote:
> On Thursday 01 July 2004 10:03, Upayavira wrote:
> > Rui Alberto L. GonÃalves wrote:
> > >Hi all,
> > >I'm trying to use xmldb cocoon block. Things are ok while tomcat
> > >is up, but after shutdown and restart tomcat, data inserted
> > >in the database is lost. Directories structure remains in the
> > >file system, but documents are no longer visible to Xindice.
> > >
> > >I've already searched xindice mailing list and I found some
> > >posts related to this problem, but none of them helps to solve
> > >the problem.
> > >
> > >Does anyone had a similar problem using xindice embed with
> > >cocoon?
> > >
> > >Many thanks.
> >
> > Are you using the Xindice command line tools too? Xindice databases must
> > only be accessed by one JVM at a time. Thus if you use it in servlet
> > mode, that is your one JVM - everything else talks to the servlet. If
> > however you use embedded mode within Cocoon, that makes Cocoon your one
> > JVM. If you start accessing a database with the command line tools while
> > Cocoon is running, you will find symptoms like you describe -
> > collections that you added disappearing, etc.
> >
> > Hope that helps.
> >
> > Upayavira
> >
> > when in embedded mode must only
> Xindice looks like a nearly dead project to me.
> There have been very few updates in the last half year.
> What about replacing xindice with generic support for XML databases?
> There is for instance eXist which is much more capable than xindice.
> http://www.exist-db.org/
> It is a LGPL project containing some nice cocoon stuff, like
> http://www.exist-db.org/api/org/exist/cocoon/package-summary.html
> The most interesting one is the XQueryGenerator ;-)
> www.xmldb.org has been substituted by http://xmldb.sourceforge.net/ ,
> to get the development of the xmldb spec going again.
Rui Alberto L. GonÃalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PT InovaÃÃo

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