Hello all,

Possibly weird question: I have a jxtemplate that I want to transform *before* running the jx generator.

Cocoon pipelines generally look like this: "generate->transform->serialize".
I want to do something like this:
"transform source->generate from transformed source->serialize"

(For example, I'd like to put ${foo} in the body of the document using an xslt transformation *before* the jx generator parses the document.)

I've tried using "internal" pipelines without much luck (no transformations are performed, just the jx generation). Example below:

<!-- What I want to do BEFORE the jx operation: --> <map:match pattern="preTransform*"> <map:generate src="documents/templates/{1}.xml"/> <map:transform src="stylesheets/wo.xsl" type="xslt"/> <map:serialize type="xml"/> </map:match>

<!-- The final jx generator operation: --> <map:match pattern="*.xml"> <map:generate src="cocoon:/preTransform*" type="jx"/> <map:serialize type="html"/> </map:match>

What am I missing or misunderstanding? :)

regards, Thomas Kjeldahl Nilsson Oslo, norway

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