From memory, Cocoon supports most regular expression syntax. There are heaps of reference sites, here's just one that's a reasonable introduction:

Your match could be done a number of ways, [A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2} or if Cocoon spits at this, try [A-Z][A-Z][0-9][0-9]

Any site dedicated to Perl will also be full of examples, as is anything to do with the Java regexp class. O'Reilly also has a book but doubt you'll need to go that far, there's plenty of Web-based reference sites!


Derek Hohls wrote:

I am looking for some guidance for developing
patterns to help validate some form fields; for
example I need to check that an entry is in the


where AA are uppercase letters and 00 are two

If someone can help with this and, more generally,
point me to a good resource for learning how to do
this, I'd appreciate it.


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