Wasn't sure how to word the subject but what follows is what I'd like to

I have a pipeline that contains a matcher the uses the parameter
(relativePath) from the request as the url of a redirect:

<map:pipeline type="noncaching">
  <!-- Redirect request to url passed in 'relativePath' parameter. -->
  <map:match pattern="**researchOther">
    <map:act type="request">
      <map:parameter name="parameters" value="true"/>

What I'd also like to do is take the result of a transformation, in this
case a url and use it as a parameter (relativePathFromOtherTransform) in
a redirect as above:

<map:pipeline type="noncaching">
  <!-- Redirect request to url obtained from another matcher. -->
  <map:match pattern="**countryThemePicker">

The only thing here is, how do I get my hands on the serialized (text)
output of a transformation either from within this matcher or from some
other matcher and use it as a parameter.

Could this be done or am I just mad as bag of snakes???


Phil Fennell

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