Torsten Schlabach wrote:

1. External tasks. The Cocoon build process starts with building some Ant
tasks (one of them being XPatch) that get used immediately during the very
same run of Ant. I actually wonder why that is and why those tasks are not
readily compiled to .class files inside the tools branch of the Cocoon
tarball. (@all: if this is by design: let me know. If this is by chance it
might be worth debating.)

i wonder that too. imho worth bringing up on the dev list.

2. Endorsed libs. And this is where the story ends: The build.bat / ant.bat
scripts set the libs/endorsed tree inside the Cocoon tarball as
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=lib\endorsed. I have not yet found a way of doing that
in the Eclipse internal Ant. Correct me if I am wrong, but this is a VM
option, not an Ant property, is it? So can I change the VM settings for the
VM that is used to run the internal Ant in Eclipse?

presumably it runs inside the same VM as eclipse, and you can add these options to your eclipse startup parameters.

i use eclipse.exe -Xmx1024m -Xms512m , for instance.


Gregor J. Rothfuss
COO, Wyona       Content Management Solutions
Apache Lenya                    
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