
Currenlty I've got a Cocoon pipeline that generates HTML output by using a 
XSLT transformer where I'm using the following:
<xsl:value-of select="format-number(round(field), '##,##0.00')"/>

this all works fine and displays for example 12,345.99 but how can I setup 
this that it uses my country locale where the decimal separator is a comma 
and the thousand separator is a point? So the result would be 12.345,99

is there a way to set this for the whole Cocoon application? something 
like setting the locale for the xslt-transformer?

and what with the woody field convertors? for example i've got the 
following widget declaration:
  <wd:output id="price">
    <wd:datatype base="decimal">
      <wd:convertor variant="number">

Any help is welcome!

Gunter D'Hondt
Sofico NV Belgium

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