Wait a minute ok I think I see now...

persistenceFactory.java - interface to cocoon's persistenceFactory, methods createSession
HibernateFactory.java - implements persistenceFactory, methods configure, service, initialize, dispose, createSession

Ok so far so good, when cocoon starts up, the hibernate factory is initialized, and the sessionfactory is in existence:
cfg = new net.sf.hibernate.cfg.Configuration();
sf = cfg.buildSessionFactory();

I was thinking this would be moved to happen at every request, which I definately did not want. It makes sense now. So when I change the persistence mechanism, it *should* be only these two classes that need to be changed right?

Moving forward,

bug.java POJO
bugSearch.java methods like findbugsByStatus, findBugsByExample, etc.

Heres my next confusion - I am using cocoon to handle my sessionFactory right? So stuff I have in my flow now like:

// Create Hibernate Session
var factory = cocoon.getComponent(Packages.com.kismetsoftware.insecticide.PersistenceFactory.ROLE);
var hs = factory.createSession();

// Might as well quit now if the session is no good :(
if (hs == null){throw new Packages.org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException("Hibernate session is null ");}

// Look up our Entry
var bean = hs.find("from com.kismetsoftware.insecticide.Bug WHERE id='"+id+"'").get(0);

Should change to:

// Create Persistence Session
var factory = cocoon.getComponent(Packages.com.kismetsoftware.insecticide.PersistenceFactory.ROLE);
var hs = factory.createSession();

// Might as well quit now if the session is no good :(
if (hs == null){throw new Packages.org.apache.cocoon.ProcessingException("Persistence session is null ");}

// Grab the class with the methods to do what we want (Constructor takes the session as an arguement)
var bugSearch = new Packages.com.kismetsoftware.insecticide.BugSearch(hs);

       // Look up our Entry
       var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);

right? Or would it be better to have one class such as BugFacade with all methods dealing with bugs? (save, find, delete etc)

Lastly, I am pretty sure the above would work, but to be really separate-y, what about:

var bugSearch = new Packages.com.kismetsoftware.insecticide.BugSearch(hs);
var bean = bugSearch.findBugById(id);

much simpler and really doesn't care how BugSearch does what it does. How would I get a grip on the cocoon component inside BugSearch.java?

<quote> You should really be using the "Open Session in View" pattern:


Sorry, but this has confused me further.. where would this fit into a cocoon framework?


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