
since cocoon is a framework based on Java and any development of custom components asks for Java too, it is highly recommendable to learn Java. PHP has it main focus on scripting dynamic websites and is extended more and more, but when it comes to full featured, object oriented architecture, Java is certainly the choice. It should think, that most of the members of that list will agree.

hope that helps...

fadi qutaishat schrieb:

Hi all,


My name is Fadi, I have newly subscribed to the list !


My problem is that I have learnt Cocoon’s basics and my current research project requires the system that I am working on to have more advanced features.


I have read that one way to extends the Cocoon’s capabilities is to write XPS files which requires a knowledge in Java. Unfortunately, I don’t have the Java skills.


I have been told that I can do the advanced things through using the PHP (which also I know nothing about PHP!) and then incorporate that in Cocoon.


I have searching for stuff on the internet that shows how use the PHP inside Cocoon but I have not fully understood their ideas due to the lack of knowledge in PHP.


I am in the position that I have to decide to learn Java to write XSP or to learn the PHP!.


Please could any one advise me ? even on learning something different.


Kind Regards,



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