Hi Faidi,
Im quite new too in Cocoon but for sure I guess most of the people of this mail list are agree telling you to learn Java, but don't use XSP. There is another technique called flowscript & CForm if you want to create a web application.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 4:35 PM
Subject: JAVA or PHP

Hi all,


My name is Fadi, I have newly subscribed to the list !


My problem is that I have learnt Cocoon’s basics and my current research project requires the system that I am working on to have more advanced features.


I have read that one way to extends the Cocoon’s capabilities is to write XPS files which requires a knowledge in Java. Unfortunately, I don’t have the Java skills.


I have been told that I can do the advanced things through using the PHP (which also I know nothing about PHP!) and then incorporate that in Cocoon.


I have searching for stuff on the internet that shows how use the PHP inside Cocoon but I have not fully understood their ideas due to the lack of knowledge in PHP.


I am in the position that I have to decide to learn Java to write XSP or to learn the PHP!.


Please could any one advise me ? even on learning something different.


Kind Regards,



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