I apologize for the previous unformatted mail.  some how it was corrupted.
I am resendign this for readability.

This is the step-by-step process I am following.

We have a content management server. Users upload all the documents,
reports etcto this server. All the realted documents are stored/grouped
under one documentID.

In the intranet portal, when the users search for a particular documentID,
they get some search results. ifthe user clicks on any link it opens the
summary of that document giving links to download each attachment or all
the attachments in a zip format (with name of the zip file as

we have site map in which when the user clicks on the download button,
which ends with a pattern
my pipeline in the sitemap will be invoked.

In that pipeline, I execute <map:aggregate> to get the document summary
xml. Then I will transform that xml to another xml which has required
format to use ZipArchiveSerialzer as shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<zip:archive xmlns:zip="http://apache.org/cocoon/zip-archive/1.0";
<zip:entry name="xyz.ppt" src="soemURL"/>
<zip:entry name="abc.pdf" src="someURL"/>

After getting this xml on-fly from the transformer, I will call <map:call
resource="someresource"> . In that resource, I call an action which sets

This "myfilename" is supposed to be the title attribute in the above on-fly
generated  zip-archive xml. So, now my problem is, how can I get this

Is there any other way where I can send this title as parameter from my

Please guide me.

Thanks & Regards,


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